unix useful commands

Files and DIrectories:

chg rp - change file group
file - Determine file type
more - Display data in paginated form.
rm - Remove (Delete) filename
rmdir - Delete an existing directory provided it is empty.
touch - Update access and modification time of a file.

Manipulating data:

awk - Pattern scanning and processing language
expand - Expand tabs to spaces
wc - Count words, lines, and characters

Compressed Files:
compress - Compress files
gzip - GNU alternative compression method
zcat - Cat a compressed file
zdiff - Compare compressed files

Getting information:
apropos - Locate commands by keyword lookup
whatis - Search the whatis database for complete words.

tftp - Trivial file transfer prog ram
parcel - Send files to another user
javac - JAVA compiler
sqlplus - Run the Oracle SQL interpreter
chown - Chang e owner
date - Print the date
determin - Automatically find terminal type
du - Print amount of disk usage
ps - Display the status of current processes
quota -v - Display disk usage and limits
stty - Set terminal options
top - Display all system processes
uname - Display name of the current system
w - Show what log g ed in users are doing
who - List log g ed in users


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