sftp mget get -r lcd lpwd !

sftp connection example
sftp -oIdentifyFile=file.id user@sftp.name.com:/path/path

-i identity_fileSelects the file from which the identity (private key) for public key authentication is read. This option is directly passed to ssh.
Downloads files recursively including subfolders
get -r *

sftp> lpwd
Local working directory: /
sftp> put local.profile
Uploading local.profile to /tecmint/local.profile
sftp> put local.profile
Uploading local.profile to /tecmint/local.profile
sftp> mget *.xls
sftp> lmkdir Documents
The ‘!‘ command drop us in local shell from where we can execute Linux commands. Type ‘exit‘ command where we can see sftp> prompt return.
sftp> !

[root@sftp ~]# exit
Shell exited with status 1


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