Storing and retrieving data with MongoDB

Storing and retrieving data with MongoDB

> show dbs
local 0.03125GB
test (empty)
> show collections
> db.createCollection('users')

{ "_id" : ObjectId("58b334b1f4d36fb19595a7a9"), "name" : "root", "uid" : "0001" }

In this recipe, we will look at basic CRUD operations with MongoDB. We will learn how to create databases, store, retrieve, and update stored data. This is a recipe to get started with MongoDB.

Getting ready

Make sure that you have installed and configured MongoDB. You can also use the MongoDB installation on a remote server.

How to do it…

Follow these steps to store and retrieve data with MongoDB:
  1. Open a shell to interact with the Mongo server:
    $ mongo
  2. To open a shell on a remote server, use the command given. Replace server_ip and port with the respective values:
    $ mongo server_ip:port/db
  3. To create and start using a new database, type use dbname. Since schemas in MongoDB are dynamic, you do not need to create a database before using it:
    > use testdb
  4. You can type help in Mongo shell to get a list of available commands and help regarding a specific command:
    > help: Let’s insert our first document:
    > db.users.insert({‘name’:’ubuntu’,’uid’:1001})
    How to do it…
  5. To view the created database and collection, use the following commands:
    > show dbs
    How to do it…
    > show collections
    How to do it…
  6. You can also insert multiple values for a key, for example, which groups a user belongs to:
    > db.users.insert({‘name’:’root’,’uid’:1010, ‘gid’:[1010, 1000, 1111]})
  7. Check whether a document is successfully inserted:
    > db.users.find()
    How to do it…
  8. To get a single record, use findOne():
    > db.users.findOne({uid:1010})
  9. To update an existing record, use the update command as follows:
    > db.users.update({name:’ubuntu’}, {$set:{uid:2222}})
  10. To remove a record, use the remove command. This will remove all records with a name equal to ubuntu:
    > db.users.remove({‘name’:’ubuntu’})
  11. To drop an entire collection, use the drop() command:
    > db.users.drop()
  12. To drop a database, use the dropDatabase() command:
    > db.users.dropDatabase()

How it works…

The preceding examples show very basic CRUD operations with the MongoDB shell interface. MongoDB shell is also a JavaScript shell. You can execute all JS commands in a MongoDB shell. You can also modify the shell with the configuration file, ~/.mongorc.js. Similar to shell, MongoDB provides language-specific drivers, for example, MongoDB PHP drivers to access MongoDB from PHP.
MongoDB works on the concept of collections and documents. A collection is similar to a table in MySQL and a document is a set of key value stores where a key is similar to a column in a MySQL table. MongoDB does not require any schema definitions and accepts any pair of keys and values in a document. Schemas are dynamically created. In addition, you do not need to explicitly create the collection. Simply type a collection name in a command and it will be created if it does not already exist. In the preceding example, users is a collection we used to store all data. To explicitly create a collection, use the following command:
> use testdb
> db.createCollection(‘users’)
You may be missing the where clause in MySQL queries. We have already used that with the findOne() command:
> db.users.findOne({uid:1010})
You can use $lt for less than, $lte for less than or equal to, $gt for greater than, $gte for greater than or equal to, and $ne for not equal:
> db.users.findOne({uid:{$gt:1000}})
In the preceding example, we have used the where clause with the equality condition uid=1010. You can add one more condition as follows:
> db.users.findOne({uid:1010, name:’root’})
To use the or condition, you need to modify the command as follows:
> db.users.find ({$or:[{name:’ubuntu’}, {name:’root’}]})
You can also extract a single key (column) from the entire document. The find command accepts a second optional parameter where you can specify a select criteria. You can use values 1 or 0. Use 1 to extract a specific key and 0 otherwise:
> db.users.findOne({uid:1010}, {name:1})
How it works…
> db.users.findOne({uid:1010}, {name:0})
How it works…

There’s more…

You can install a web interface to manage the MongoDB installation. There are various open source web interfaces listed on Mongo documentation at
When you start a mongo shell for the first time, you may see a warning message regarding transperent_hugepage and defrag. To remove those warnings, add the following lines to /etc/init/mongod.conf, below the $DAEMONUSER /var/run/ line:
if test -f /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled; then
  echo never > /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled
if test -f /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/defrag; then
  echo never > /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/defrag


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