
Showing posts from April, 2010
Hardware Issues in Linux Hardware Drivers - where are they? -In the kernel -Manufacturer (of hard driver) -Special development projects Linux Hardware Projects Scanners: SANE = Scanner Access Now Easy USB Devices: Adding Hardware 1.Physical connect it 2.Set jumpers 3.Load & Configure Drivers 4.Make device accessible to users Physical Connect Device Possibilities: -External Device -Internal Device -Expansion Cards Kernel Modules Controlled by /etc/modules.conf (or conf.modules) Commands Insmod, modprobe,lsmod insmod - f --- force installation
Troubleshooting in Linux Part 3 Backup/Restore Errors Computer-side problems -Drivers -Device permissions -File permissions Backup device-side problems -Media errors (corrupted) Donot GZIP file! Because it uses sequential coding for compression You have to backup of backups. Other branch of the same organization. - Public UNIX access - sysmonitors scripts Network Structure User ( <----> (Gateway) <--Nameserver->>> Could locate 1) ping --- your network card is disabled? #/etc/init.d/network restart ping 2) ping - not local problem #route - l0 - eth0 --- wire plugged? 3) #route --- shows gateway address ping gateway --- OK? 4) #dig - display what nameserver is used Troubleshooting -Backup/Restore problems -Application Failures on Servers -Diagnosis Networking Problems -Outside help

troubleshooting /var/log syslog.con dmesg rout lpq kill

Troubleshooting Problems in a Linux System Types of Problems - Hardware - Operating System (Kernel) - Application Software - Configuration (change /etc files, change .dotfiles) - User Plan of Attack 1.Observe problem first hand 2.Formulate a guess as to cause 3.Attempt to fix 4.Go back to step 1 until fixed Preventative Measures - Buy supported hardware - Stay away from untested software (Beta versions) - Don't overclock your processor #cd /var/log boot.log - information about boot messages mail.log - info about mail utility To keep track what does each files hold: #cd /etc/ #more syslog.conf #man syslog.conf: Here you can find priorities: debug,info,notice,warning,warn,err,error,critical,alert,emerg(should be fixed imidiately),panic #Don't log private authentication messages *.info;mail.none;authpriv.none;cron.none /var/log/messages #Log all the mail messages in one place mail.* /var/log/maillog #Log cron stuff cron.* /var/log

free | dd | df

free - display amount of free and used memory free -s dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=1024 count=1024 mkswap /swapfile swapon /swapfile swapoff /swapfile df - disk space is used

types of backup

Mainteance of a Linux System You can use cron to run scripts on regular Backing up your system Options: Tape,ZIP,CD Tradeoffs: 1. $/GB 2. sequential vs. random access (faster) 3. capacity Types of backup 1.Full - every (every month) 2.Incremental - daily backups (every thing since last incremental backup) To restore system, you should restore Full backup and all 29 incremental backups 3.Differental Everything since last Full backup To restore syste, 1 Full backup + 1 differential backup
Runlevels 0 - off 1,s - single-user mode 2 - multi-user, without networking 3 - multi-user with networking 4 - varies 5 - X windows 6 - Shutdown, reboot
SET (tmp, variables, etc in Windows) = env in Linux which grep which pwd shows where grep,pwd and other program is situated

ls -lartR

ls -lt | more - show files by page ls -lart R -- recursevily shows all files from current folder and down
SUID permissions cd usr/bin --> ls -la smb* s - fileparameter means that every user can access it NFS mount adams :/home/johndoe /mnt/doe all files permissions carries from /home/johndoe to /mnt/doe more /etc/fstab cd /etc/ more exports cat > exports /home nugget1(rw) baker(rw) carl(ro) CTRL-D to exit rw- read write ro- read only
To share files between Linux and Windows machine --> SAMBA, NFS To initiate printer linux uses lpr command lpr takes the thing you want to print and gives it to lpd lpd - line printer domain lpd decides which print queue should print going USER-->lpr -->lpd --> print queue -->printer lpd doesn't know where lpr come from. from local or remote machine. When you prints something --> thing that you want to print transform into postscript postscript - is standard printer language. Printer is postscript cabable (ready) (DRIVER; Ghostscript) is used to translate between two languages.(postscript translates into driver) Print Queues /var/spool/lpd Config Files /etc/printcap A Hernative Printing Systems BSD - Berkley Standard Distribution LPRng CUPS - Common Unix Printing System /etc/cups Lets configure printer for the computer $printtool --- graphical user interface /etc/printcap - is generated when lpd is initiated $lpr -P hp1 d
Linux Essentials (CD2) Lilo (Linux loader) 1)First boots BIOS 2)Test hardware 3)Master boot record (stored bootloader) cat /etc/lilo.conf.anaconda default=linux boot=/dev/sda
X Windows components: - X Server ( ) - Window Manager (control look and feel) Most popular Window Managers:KWM,Sawfish - Desktop Environment (add utilities and config programs) Most popular desktop environments: KDE (key desktop environment), Gnome, CDE Xconfigurator Shell Scripting -mini-programs using shell commands cat,useradd -used for repetitive tasks (backups, startup, adding users) -good for inexperienced users Any script should have extension .sh #! /bin/bash -- path of the shell # <-- comment This is a silly script echo "this is a script" echo "what do you think?" # this is also a comment bash <-- run the script ./ <-- also run the script #! /bin/bash echo "Hello $1." #parameter of the progrma NUMBER1=234 # local variables NUMBER2=456 let NUMBER3=$NUMBER1+$NUMBER2 echo "The answer is $NUMBER3" ./ perry Hello perry The answer is 690 du
Список администраторов хранится в файле gshadow группа:пароль:админы:пользователи
Chown bob.project ProjX/ - changes ownership for group Chgrp Addgroup Newgroup ProjectX -> changes current group Than when you create directory , it owns by group ProjectX gpasswd - A bob ProjectX --> Now bob is administrator of group ProjectX gpasswd - a alice ProjectX --> Add alice to the group ProjectX gpasswd - d alice ProjectX --> Del alice to the group ProjectX
Administration of Networks in Linux -Overview -Configuration -Remote Access -Conytolling Access -Remote administration Network Overview -Hardware -Packets (information that transfers between computers) -Protocols (rules for packets) -Addressing (make hardware decide how move through the network) netconfig (Red Hat tool) - network configuration cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ cat ifcfg-eth0 uname -a --- shows the version of linux kernel email software - Balsa SECURITY SITES: firewalls - can block access to any services inetd /w TCP Wrappers and xinetd - can block access to specific services inetd, xinetd - are superdaemons TCP Wrapper /etc/hosts.allow /etc/hosts.deny/ holds information about hosts that can access and cann'r access your system If information contains in allow and deny ->> allow Using X remotely (i.e. to connect to baker from adams) 1.Log into adams 2.type "xhost +baker" 3.log into baker with ssh 4.typ

major directories | filesystems

Administration of Filesystem and Security -Mount/Manage Filesystems, Partitions, Devices -Security : Best Practices, RisksFilesystems, Partitions, Devices commands: -  mkfs  (create partition),  fdisk, fsck  (examine partitions, check partition for errors) -  mount, umount  (partitions and devices) -  df  (file system usage), du (info on disk usage) -  /mnt, /dev  (important direcotries) What's a filesytem? 1)Directory structure /etc/home 2)Low-level organization Ext2fs Ext3 ReiserFS fdisk -l  --->lists all disks sda  (scsi disk, A- first disk) sdb  - second disk boot *  - holds linux kernel image Swap partition gets used when main memory fills up (RAM) Swap like extension main memory We don't need swap partition and can use swap files, but swap files work much slower fdisk /dev/sda When you add new disk, you should add a new partition with command  fdisk /dev/sda fsck /dev/sda2  - Here you can see filesystem (EXT2 FS,etc) Administration of Files
Directory modes rwx -> full access r-x -> limited access (enter, read) --- -> no access d rwxr-x--- - directory permissions su root, su iam - switch user gpasswd -A bob projectX - user bob now is administrator of this group su bob gpasswd -a alice projectX (Adding user alice to group projectX) gpasswd -d candy projectX

File permissions

File Permissions (Modes) - Separate Permissions for User (owner of the file), Group, Other ls -l -- shows modes - rwxr-xr-- MEANS THAT THIS IS NOT A DIRECTORY - rwx r-xr-- User permission of the file (Read, write and execute) -rwx r-x r-- Groups permissions of the file -rwxr-x r-- Others (everyone of the system can read the file) -Root & Owner can change modes ------------- Changing file permissions chmod  has 2 formats 1.Symbolic chmod g+w filename (add permission to the group) chmod o-w filename (deny permission to the others) chmod ug=rw filename <<--means data-blogger-escaped-for="" data-blogger-escaped-permission="" data-blogger-escaped-strong="">users and group for read/write and NO ACCESS for Others 2.Binary Number chmod 754 filename 754  means 7-U, 5-G,4-O 7= 111 , 5= 101 , 4= 100  -->> - rwx r-x r--
cat /etc/passwd lisa:x:501:501::/home/lisa:/bin/bash x-password) userID=501 groupID=501 :(commend): - not presented here /home/lisa - home directory cat /etc/shadow - stores encrypted passwords useradd -c "Peter Ivanov" pivanov groupadd newgroup cat /etc/group usermod -G newgroup,projectX,progectY bob groups bob
-Add,Remove, Modify -Groups-Permission (modes) Users in LinuxUser=Account Account Attributes: User name, default shell, default group, expiration date,... Special Account -> Superuser (root) Useradd,userdel,usermod (in /usr/sbin) Default config files in /etc/skel Useradd -D - current user config

packages installation

Installing Software (aka packages) - tar files - RPM RedHat Package manager - DEB Debian Package manager Database have info about what packages were installed You can mix RPM and DEB RPM - used by many distributions RH, Mandrake, Linux PPC, ... - naming convention: packagename-a.b.c.-x.arch.rpm (arch=386,586,686,PPC,SRC source code) Rpm [operations: I - install, u - update, q - query (query database), e - uninstall] [options: --force, --nodeps] [packages] Rpm - ivh packagename.rpm Debian Package Management - used by debian && offshoots (Storm, Corel) - commands: dpkg, apt-get Tar file - works on every distribution - more work to install - basic use: tar xvf pkg.tar(tgz - zipped) pkg_directory /etc/init.d/httpd start - start Apache /var/www/html -> index.html
Installation of LinuxMethods: Text, GUI, Scripted (optional) - on multiple machinesNetwork installation (ftp,http,LAN) - otherwise choose text or GUI Network installation not for novice users What type of system would you like to install? - Workstation- Server- Laptop- Custom- Upgrade existing systemDisk partitioning setup Autopartition (basic partition), Disk Druid (partition yourself), fdiskAutopartition -> Automatic Partitioning : -Remove all Linux Partitions on this system -Remove all partitions on this system-Keep all partitions and use existing free spaceDevice/dev/sda (scsi disk) - holds info of every partition/dev/sda1 - Mount Point /boot/dev/sda2 - Mount Point /Boot Loader Configuration -Use GRUB Boot Loader -Use LILO Boot Loader -No Boot LoaderBoot Loader Password:___ Confirm:___ Firewall Configuration: Security Level: High, Medium, No firewall Root Password: Add User: User ID Password Full Name User Account Setup: Authentication Configuration - Use Shadow Passwords -


Linux supports numerous file system types Ext2: This is like UNIX file system. It has the concepts of blocks, inodes and directories. Ext3: It is ext2 filesystem enhanced with journalling capabilities. Journalling allows fast file system recovery. Supports POSIX ACL (Access Control Lists). Isofs (iso9660): Used by CDROM file system. Sysfs: It is a ram-based filesystem initially based on ramfs. It is use to exporting kernel objects so that end user can use it easily. Procfs: The proc file system acts as an interface to internal data structures in the kernel. It can be used to obtain information about the system and to change certain kernel parameters at runtime using sysctl command. For example you can find out cpuinfo with following command:
How to get kernel info kernelversion ls /boot
ls -a - (all) shows user config files .bash_history .gnome - desktop environment ls -l - use a long listing command su - switch to the administrator accound cd / - very top directory cd bin - here are situated the most common commands .bashrc - contains aliases (should run after modification -> source .bashrc )
pwd (Print Working Directory) cp - copy rm -i file.txt - ask YES/NO mv - move cd .. rmdir mkdir Text editors emacs; vi - 3 modes command (insert) exec mode (write file, quit) edit mode press ESC to go to the command mode В редакторе vi есть два основных режима: командный режим и режим вставки . По умолчанию, работа начинается в командном режиме. В режиме вставки клавиатура используется для набора текста. Для выхода в командный режим используется клавиша Esc или комбинация Ctrl + c . В командном режиме алфавитные клавиши соответствуют командам перемещения и изменения текста. Команды h , j , k , l перемещают курсор на одну позицию влево, вниз, вверх, вправо соответственно, команда x удаляет один символ и т. д. Для полнотекстовых операций имеется возможность задавать команды ex в подобии командной строки, например, :1,.s/wiki/[[wiki]]/g заключит все вхождения последовательности символов wiki от начала текста до текущей позиции в двойные квадратные скобки. [ править