To share files between Linux and Windows machine --> SAMBA, NFS

To initiate printer linux uses lpr command
lpr takes the thing you want to print and gives it to lpd
lpd - line printer domain

lpd decides which print queue should print going

USER-->lpr -->lpd --> print queue -->printer

lpd doesn't know where lpr come from. from local or remote machine.

When you prints something --> thing that you want to print transform into postscript

postscript - is standard printer language. Printer is postscript cabable (ready)

(DRIVER; Ghostscript) is used to translate between two languages.(postscript translates into driver)

Print Queues /var/spool/lpd

Config Files /etc/printcap

A Hernative Printing Systems

BSD - Berkley Standard Distribution
CUPS - Common Unix Printing System /etc/cups

Lets configure printer for the computer

$printtool --- graphical user interface

/etc/printcap - is generated when lpd is initiated

$lpr -P hp1

Files sharing

- Easy file exchange
- Conserve disk space
- Reduce work for sys admins

2 typical scenarios

1.Windows SMB (server message block)/CIFS ---- SAMBA to share between Linux and Windows

2.Linux/UNIX ---- NFS to share between Linux

$smbclient //winmachine/perryStuff -U trainer

>get windowsfile.txt

$smbmount //nugget2/perryStuff hold/
cd hold
Now you see windows share in Linux

$smbumount /hold --- unmount hold direcotry


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