packages installation

Installing Software (aka packages)
- tar files
- RPM RedHat Package manager
- DEB Debian Package manager

Database have info about what packages were installed

You can mix RPM and DEB

- used by many distributions RH, Mandrake, Linux PPC, ...
- naming convention: packagename-a.b.c.-x.arch.rpm (arch=386,586,686,PPC,SRC source code)
Rpm [operations: I - install, u - update, q - query (query database), e - uninstall] [options: --force, --nodeps] [packages]

Rpm - ivh packagename.rpm

Debian Package Management
- used by debian && offshoots (Storm, Corel)
- commands: dpkg, apt-get

Tar file
- works on every distribution
- more work to install
- basic use: tar xvf pkg.tar(tgz - zipped) pkg_directory
/etc/init.d/httpd start - start Apache
/var/www/html -> index.html


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