Administration of Networks in Linux
-Remote Access
-Conytolling Access
-Remote administration

Network Overview
-Packets (information that transfers between computers)
-Protocols (rules for packets)
-Addressing (make hardware decide how move through the network)

netconfig (Red Hat tool) - network configuration
cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/
cat ifcfg-eth0

uname -a --- shows the version of linux kernel

email software - Balsa


firewalls - can block access to any services

inetd /w TCP Wrappers and xinetd - can block access to specific services

inetd, xinetd - are superdaemons

TCP Wrapper /etc/hosts.allow /etc/hosts.deny/
holds information about hosts that can access and cann'r access your system
If information contains in allow and deny ->> allow

Using X remotely (i.e. to connect to baker from adams)

1.Log into adams
2.type "xhost +baker"
3.log into baker with ssh
4.type "export DISPLAY adams:0.0"
5.launch programs


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