install chrome on centos

  1. Open the Terminal application. Grab 64bit Google Chrome.
  2. Type the following command to download 64 bit version of Google Chrome:
  3. Install Google Chrome and its dependencies on a CentOS/RHEL, type:
    sudo yum install ./google-chrome-stable_current_*.rpm
  4. Start Google Chrome from the CLI:
    google-chrome &
option #2

Enable Google YUM repository

Add following to /etc/yum.repos.d/google.repo file:
[google] name=Google - i386 baseurl= enabled=1 gpgcheck=1 gpgkey=
[google64] name=Google - x86_64 baseurl= enabled=1 gpgcheck=1 gpgkey=
Note: Both 32-bit and 64-bit repos can be placed in the same file.

Install Google Chrome with YUM (as root user)

Install Google Chrome Stable Version

## Install Google Chrome Stable version ## yum install google-chrome-stable

Install Google Chrome Beta Version

## Install Google Chrome Beta version ## yum install google-chrome-beta

Install Google Chrome Unstable Version

## Install Google Chrome Unstable version ## yum install google-chrome-unstable


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