Parallel processing with unix tools

There are various ways to use parallel processing in UNIX:

  • piping
    An often under appreciated idea in the unix pipe model is that the components of the pipe run in parallel. This is a key advantage leveraged when combining simple commands that do "one thing well"
  • split -nxargs -Pparallel
    Note programs that are invoked in parallel by these, need to output atomically for each item processed, which the GNU coreutils are careful to do for factor and sha*sum, etc. Generally commands that use stdio for output can be wrapped with the `stdbuf -oL` command to avoid intermixing lines from parallel invocations
  • make -j
    Most implementations of make(1) now support the -j option to process targets in parallel. make(1) is generally a higher level tool designed to process disparate tasks and avoid reprocessing already generated targets. For example it is used very effictively when testing coreutils where about 700 tests can be processed in 13 seconds on a 40 core machine.
  • implicit threading
    This goes against the unix model somewhat and definitely adds internal complexity to those tools. The advantages can be less data copying overhead, and simpler usage, though its use needs to be carefully considered. A disadvantage is that one loses the ability to easily distribute commands to separate systems. Examples are GNU sort(1) and turbo-linecount


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