apache multiple sites | show configured sites

ubuntu@ubuntu:/var/www$ sudo cp -R example.com example1.com
ubuntu@ubuntu:/var/www$ sudo chown -R ubuntu:www-data example1.com/
ubuntu@ubuntu:/etc/apache2/sites-available$ sudo cp example.com.conf example1.com.conf 
ubuntu@ubuntu:/etc/apache2/sites-available$ sudo a2ensite example1.com.conf

ubuntu@ubuntu:/etc/apache2/sites-available$ sudo service apache2 restart 

ubuntu@ubuntu:/etc/apache2/sites-available$ sudo a2query -s
example.com (enabled by site administrator)
example1.com (enabled by site administrator)

ubuntu@ubuntu:/etc/apache2/sites-available$ cat /etc/hosts localhost ubuntu example.com example1.com

How it works…

Multiple domain hosting works with the concept of NamedVirtualHost. We have configured virtual hosts with ServerName and ServerAlias. When a client sends a request with a domain name, it sends a host name in the request headers. This host name is used by Apache to determine the actual virtual host to serve this request. If none of the available virtual hosts match the requested host header, then the default virtual host or the first virtual host will be used to serve the request.
In this example, we have used hosts file to map test domain names with local IP. With the actual domain name, you need to point DNS servers to the IP address of your web server. Generally, all popular hosting providers host their own DNS servers. You need to add these DNS servers to your domain setting with domain registrar. Then, on your hosting side, you need to set respective A recordsand CNAME records. An A record points to an IP address and the CNAME record is an alias for the A record used for pointing a subdomain to an A record. Your hosting provider should give you details on how to configure domains and subdomains.
In previous versions of Apache server, you might need to enable NameVirtualHost under the configuration file. Find a line similar to #NameVirtualHost and uncomment it by removing the # symbol at the start.
You can also set up IP-based virtual hosts. If you have multiple IP addresses available on your server, you can set the virtual host to listen on a particular IP address. Use the following steps to set up an IP-based virtual host:
  1. Get a list of the available IP addresses:
    $ ifconfig | grep "inet addr"
    ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ ifconfig | grep "inet addr"
    inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
    inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
    inet addr:  Mask:
  2. Edit the virtual host configuration and set it to match the following:
    Listen 80
            DocumentRoot /var/www/example1.com/public_html
            ServerName example1.com

See also


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