partprobe - make partition changes visible to the kernel without reboot

partprobe is a program that informs the operating system kernel of partition table changes, by requesting that the operating system re-read the partition table. For instance, if you create a new partition on one of your disks using parted, you should run partprobe afterwards to make the kernel aware of the new partition configuration.

Install parted in debian
#apt-get install parted
Now this will install partprobe and parted.Partprobe inform the OS of partition table changes. partprobe is a program that informs the operating system kernel of partition table changes, by requesting that the operating system re-read the
partition table.
partprobe [-d] [-s] [devices...]
-d Donât update the kernel.
-s Show a summary of devices and their partitions.
-h Show summary of options.
-v Show version of program.
Using partprobe


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